March With Pride: The Pride Parade Is Back And Here's Why You Should Attend

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Queer Azaadi March

What's Happening?

The Queer Azaadi Mumbai Pride Parade is back with a bang on February 1 from 3 PM to 6 PM at Azad Maidan in Fort. Queer Azaadi Mumbai Pride is one of the biggest LGBT events in the city, organised by QAM Mumbai.

The emphasis of the parade will be not just on the LGBTQIA+ community itself, but also on making the society more accepting, by educating, empowering and celebrating everyone who faces discrimination. 

Head out to the parade because you respect equal rights, and because you believe that love is love, no matter what. It's a whole new experience of seeing slogans being shouted out loud and an overall sense of celebration in the air. Apart from the activists, you'll also get to listen to passionate speeches made by students, professors, parents and families of LGBTQ and many more. 

How’s the venue?

The March route is from Azad Maidan in Fort. It's just a 10-minute walk from the Churchgate station. 


Entry is absolutely FREE

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